Structura Lab

Your place for discovering what is possible in Minecraft Bedrock


Structura Lab is a place to find, share, and make structura files. For a walk through on how this site works see the video below:
Structura is Free and Open source, The structura Desktop app allows you more flexiblity than the web interface. For more information about Structura check out the following links:


Date added

Structure files:

Structura pack:

Name Tags:



Materials List

Upload .mcstructure file/files

Please upload a .mcstructure file exported from minecraft bedrock edition. The file must contain data (a bug in minecraft/onedrive some times makes empty files)
If more than 1 file is uploaded all files are converted and combined into 1 pack. The files are then selected using the nametag feature in minecraft.
After uploading the files you will have the option to upload a thumbnail, give it a title, embed a youtube video, and give the pack a description
The Structura files will be automatically generated and you will not have to input aditional information to complete your post.
Exchanging the structure file is not currently supported, however files you own can be permanently deleted from the website and re-posted.




Thumbnail Image:
Youtube Link(replaces thumbnails):
The thumbnail will be what is displayed to users when they arrive at your post and when they are browsing the grid. If a youtube link is provided it will overwrite the images in both places.


A category will enable people to browse for your file. A default category of MISC is assigned.


The description will be used to explain how to use the file to your viewers. This section will also be indexed for searching the page


By default, files are private and only shown to you. if you wish to share these files publicly please enable "show to public"
Show to Public:

NOTE: Updating your profile image may take up to 24 hours. A preview of the image will appear instantly, but several systems cache the old image for speed.


Will show up when user clicks your profile.


Will show up when user clicks your profile.


Will show up when user clicks your profile and will appear under "support this creator" for each structure


Will show up when user clicks your profile and will appear under "support this creator" for each structure


Will show up when user clicks your profile.
